This Was My Eye-Opening Experience With A Sunburn – Essence

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There are many myths we are taught to believe until the truth comes to the surface. A few of those myths are Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and that people of color can’t get sunburned. I was always brought up believing that my melanin was my protector, and in many ways, it has been. My brown skin is my superpower. An attribute I always brought up to be proud of. The same relatives who made me feel empowered in my skin were also the ones who conditioned me to believe that sunburns were a “white people thing.”

These myths have been passed down through generations, thanks to a lack of education about our skin. But, I learned my lesson the hard way while vacationing in Bali. I experienced sunburn after sunbathing for the day. Although I did apply sunscreen, I failed to reapply, assuming what many other people of color do,  thinking, “I can’t get sunburned anyway, so I’m good.” My skin became sensitive for what felt like an instant. The redness appearing on my freshly tanned skin indicated that everything I was brought up to believe was a false truth. People of color can get sunburned; I am proof of this. I then did what any millennial would do: I reached for my phone and began Googling immediate solutions. 

But, there is no quick fix for sunburn. Healing our skin is a slow burn, if you will. Luckily, there are holistic solutions. According to Dr. Nken Ugonabo, a respected dermatologist, finding a cooling agent is always a great start. “Applying a moisturizer that contains soothing ingredients such as colloidal oatmeal or aloe vera can be helpful.” Aloe, for example, became an incredible coolant that put my sunburn into calm mode. Its coolness soothed my burned skin and provided a level of comfort I desperately needed. 

Dr. Ugonabo also advocates for cool showers and even taking IBUProfen when experiencing extreme discomfort. I didn’t take part in any painkillers during my healing process, but I did find relief in cool showers. Allowing the water to soothe my skin was more than an alleviant for me. It was also a moment when I discovered how crucial it was to soothe and protect my skin beyond this sensitive time. 

Many dermatologists, including Dr. Ugonabo, suggest staying out of the sun altogether. Being on vacation, I naturally wanted to explore. I continued to protect my skin throughout the trip by wearing clothes that covered the burn. I also steered away from beach and poolside activities that would only exacerbate my condition. Actively protecting my skin only amplified my result. Within a week, my skin went from sensitive to the peeling phase. The peeling phase wasn’t the prettiest, but oat-based moisturizers helped hydrate and heal the area. 

After over a week of pure lessons, my skin fully recovered from sunburn. Experiencing the trials and tribulations of damaged skin amplified my need to protect it and warn others. Implementing sunscreen into our daily routine can prevent sunburn and other skin diseases.

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